The easy way to write and share your recipes
Join Osomatsu today!

What's New

June 2022

Join Osomatsu today

I’ve been chipping away over the last few months to create a registration flow for good folk like you to be able to join Osomatsu and share your recipes with friends and family.

I’m super excited to announce that you can now do exactly that!
(also super excited that someone other than me might use this)

The registration flow starts when you click this button

Once you’ve entered some basic details for your requested account, an email will be sent straight to my inbox for me to onboard you as quick as a I can. As I said above, I'm very excited that someone else might use Osomatsu so you won’t be waiting long!

Once onboarded, an email will be sent to you with a link to secure your account with your chosen password and then you will be logged in. After that, the world is your oyster recipe.

I can’t wait to see what you share. Thank you for considering to use Osomatsu.

– Tom

April 2022

Publishing recipes

New recipes will now begin in an unpublished mode.

Unpublished recipes are only viewable by you, no other user will be able to see them. You can consider an unpublished recipe as private or perhaps a draft to be crafted until you’re ready to share the recipe with the world.

Ready to share your recipe with the world?

You probably noticed the publish button at the top of the edit recipe page. Click that and your recipe will be open for all to see.

You could even use the new share button on the recipe’s page to easily send it to a friend.

Published the recipe too soon?

No problem. That publish button on the edit recipe page has since become an unpublish button. Go for it.

Other changes

  • A new share button for the recipe page
  • This very what’s new page

– Tom